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Opting out

At azuma doa we strongly believe in leaving all options open to our customers. Therefore, we also provide possible migration paths to opt out of azuma doa.

By opting out of azuma doa, you would potentially have to replace the following functionality:

  • Identity Provider: There are many identity providers available as products, hosted solutions or open source. We are using the ory open source products, so you could consider using ory kratos/hydra or the hosted solution ory network.
  • Multi-tenant management: We are not aware of a similar solution to the tenant management that is available withing azuma doa, so you either would have to re-implement that or to simplify to a single or no-tenant solution.
  • Roles & permissions: Depending on the IDP and your requirements, you can either use existing solutions (e.g. ory keto or similar) or choose to implement the required functionality that you need in a simplified way.
  • Health industry specialization: You would have to implement the required specialization aspects yourself.

If you are considering opting out of azuma doa, please do not hesitate to contact us to find solutions to your current challenges.

Data migration

The most important question if you are considering opting out is: How to migrate my data out of azuma doa to my new solution?

Migration strategy

To avoid disruptions to your operations, we propose the following solution:

  1. On the login page of your new IDP, add the option to login via azuma doa (integrating via OpenID Connect)
  2. After login, navigate to a new page where you ask the end user to create a new password to migrate to your IDP
  3. With the new password, you can create a new account in your IDP and copy data from azuma doa by using the access token received in step 1. You can also map user roles in this step.
  4. At some point, you can remove the login via azuma doa option

Data export

Data of your tenant, including permissions, roles and users can be exported via the provided APIs. However, you will not be able to export passwords.